TRMDPE -- Igo Hatsuyoron problem 120 -- Interactive tool

This page is a supplement to the page about this classic problem, maintained by Thomas Redecker, for the Deutscher Go Bund. Sensei's Library has more links to further analyses of this problem.

Please Note: the main web site has more detailed comments. The files used here do not show the latest research which is still going on (early 2011).

This page is powered by EidoGo – a Go client, and editor (and much more!), very easily included in your web pages. Download your own version, or check out the notes on EidoGo at Sensei's Library.

Problem 120 -- you can view, edit, and save

N.B. The interactive board uses Javascript. Please make sure that you have enabled this.

N.B. When a comment says "[ see variation ]" you will have to click back once, and then select the appropriate (later) variation.

The Main line -- June 2008, with comments

Variations afterBad Shape with #67 at S13 -- January 2011, no detailed comments

This is an example of the advanced use of EidoGo: Click here to go to move 67 directly.

Note that this game-record looks only at those variations following the new, bad shape, move at S13 with move #67, and uses the new, proposed, line until that point.

How to View, Edit/Explore, and Save

To move around game record:

There are several methods.

To change the game record – e.g. try new variations:

You can also use "Download SGF" to download the SGF file to your computer,including edits just made by you.

This page is powered by EidoGo – a Go client, and editor (and much more), easily included in web pages. Download your own version, or check out the notes on EidoGo at Sensei's Library.